Tuesday, April 26, 2011


All spelling errors have been fixed, as there were many of them. Hopefully I caught everything. There are lots of problems with the script and this should not be one of them.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Missed Something

So I can't believe that I set up the exposition for Dark Energy in the very beginning and just didn't use it to explain the rest of the script! That's crazy, right?

Okay, so I did more research on this Dark Energy in the brain and scientists have found that inactivity in the brain is very high. When the brain is active, it only increases 5% from inactivity. This means that when we think our brain is at rest, it's actually still working very hard.

The article I found states: All the substances in the universe we can see and interact with—all this together makes up less than 5% of the universe, with dark energy and dark matter at 74% and 23% respectively. In the same way, all the brain activity we are aware of—conscious thought—makes up about 5% of our total brain activity. Just as background energy in the universe is predominent, so is background energy in our brains. Dark energy is thus a fitting term for this phenomenon.

The middle of the article goes further to asking questions about attention spans. How long do we pay attention before our minds start to wander off? What if the scientist saw 30 seconds ago that your DMN (default mode network) was shutting off your brain’s conscious area, thus telling me that you will lose focus soon—about right now?

These are a lot of questions that may not show up in my script. BUT I think it's important to try and figure out if there needs to be a trigger for Wendy to remember her mother OR...maybe Wendy's so smart that her mind is constantly wandering off. Maybe she gets bored when other people talk, so her mind goes somewhere else. The big question is, how much control does Wendy have on her memories? Yes, she can try to remember the same ways we real people try to remember things. But how about those memories that just pop into our minds? The ones we may not be able to suppress? The ones that are triggered? The ones that aren't?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Week Off...

Stepping back from my senior project for the week, I'm putting all of my efforts into getting ready to shoot the teaser for a pilot I wrote, "You Could Be Me." The pilot revolves around the life of psychologist Anna Brown, who suffers from chronic bad luck. If a meteor hit the planet, Anna would be the target. She has no control over her own life, so she writes a self-help book titled You Could Be Me to give others hope that even though their lives might be bad, they aren't and will never be as bad as Anna's. Since I'm graduating in June, there won't be enough time to shoot all of it, so the first 4 or 5 minutes will have to do.

I have my film crew, most of my actors (auditions will be in two weeks), waiting on locations, and I'm directing and co-producing along side my amazing boyfriend who was able to make all of this possible. Very exciting!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Science Stuff

I'm going to have to send this script to a few people who know science better than I do. Even though I've been doing a lot of my own research, I'm worried that some things still won't make much sense.

Instead of creating another post for this comment, I'll just add it to this one. My minor characters need a lot of work (in addition to everything else). Nikki, Jenn, Ardon, and especially Sadie don't have enough to their characters. Jenn may be okay for now, and Nikki isn't that crucial of a character to the story, but Ardon needs more than just sitting around in the lab all day and Sadie needs more than just being there for the ride. These characters have a lot of potential, but right now their plot pushes. For the first draft, I was focusing more so on developing Wendy and Corryn's relationship, which I think I did pretty well. And now it's time to dig deeper.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

See the Finish Line!

I thought of what I consider to be a great ending to my script (I thought of it a while ago but never blogged about it).

The confrontation has been about Wendy and Corryn the entire time, not Wendy and Jenn. So it makes sense that Wendy would need to confront the antagonist, the reason why Wendy is the way she is, the person she's been wanting to just love her. And since this is sci-fi, Wendy can confront Corryn in her mind and finally be at peace. We'll see how it goes. A scene like this could get very awkward/unbelievable, but if I can do it right, it would be the perfect ending to the script.

Goods and Bads of Directing

I'm taking the directing class now with Professor Kelly and so far it's interesting, but I cringe every time I have to edit the scripts. Cutting out large chunks of script directions just makes me more aware of the fact that this is going to be happening to my scripts. Once it's out of my hands, everyone else has the freedom to throw out and change whatever they want. And all the time I spend imagining what a scene should look like, how the characters should react, where in the script the scene takes place...my vision of the world only means something to one person: me.

Maybe I'll be a director one day...