Tuesday, October 5, 2010


There are a lot of mixed emotions I feel in terms of what's happening in America right now. On one hand, I'm actually glad to see so many people finally concerned with bullying and the consequences. On the other hand, it's very disheartening to know that this problem didn't just begin. It's been a problem for many, many years, and it's unfortunate that it took so long for people to open their eyes to it.

I started writing Deterrence, my first feature script, last Fall. It's a script that is very dear to my heart because it was inspired by my sister's personal experience being bullied. I started thinking years ago when it was happening to her, 'Why aren't kids punished more severely for this. Bullying is a disease that spreads from person to person and no one wants to stop it because no one thinks it's that big of a deal; people grow out of it at some point.' What I've learned years later is that they don't grow out of it. The bullies get meaner and the victims get weaker.

If you read this (and my rant hasn't turned you off yet) I encourage you to read more of my blog articles and give me some advice on how to make Deterrence better. I'm always looking for feedback.

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