Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Addition

Since I missed two weeks (I can't believe we're already in week three!!!) I have major catching up to do. Just started my character bios tonight and I'm going to try and finish them for tomorrow so I have the rest of the week for my beat sheet.

Since I didn't get to pitch my idea in class I thought I'd give a little intro. The working title is "Victim." I'm writing a court drama about a boy, Robert "Limits" Simmons, who gets violently pushed around in middle school and tries to solve his problems by bringing a gun to school "just in case." Robert snaps and he ends up shooting two of the bullies, another student and the teacher. The audience is unaware of the harsh bullying until later in the movie.

Then there's Kate Morgan, a defense attorney who works for a firm that specializes in juvenile cases. Kate loves children and she would have plenty of her own if she were married. She's in her late 30's and the clock is ticking, but she won't settle for just anyone. Kate's also always too wrapped up in her cases to notice when the right guy does come along, like the Assistant to the Defense, Jeffrey Hall, who happens to be in love with Kate. After some hesitation for reasons revealed towards the end, Kate takes the Simmons case even though Jeff tries to discourage her.

Much more to be continued at a later date.


  1. loving the pink layout lol. tell your bf to befriend me on facebook dammit!

    ps, the script sounds cool!

  2. I love having revelations! For a while, I was worried that my script would be too predictable, but this morning I thought of a twist that might solve my problem.

    Some writers consider their character their babies. For me, the plot is my baby and the characters come second. I don't really know if this is a good or bad thing. I don't create a plot for my character; I create characters for my plot. With that being said, developing my characters is taking longer than I'd anticipated, but I have my beat sheet already mapped out in my head.

  3. Finally have my outline done! For a while I was debating what the verdict should be, so I finished that up today. I'm starting the script tonight. I should have my first couple of pages by tomorrow.

  4. Keep updating the blog. I'm interested to know how things are going.

  5. I already started writing but mostly what I've been doing is researching. I spent a good deal of time yesterday and the day before in the library looking up trial procedure and the transfer of a minor from juvenile to crimial court.

    Also, last night I went through my treatment again. I've decided that Kate's antagonist will be David, who wants her to come back to his firm. He's asked her several times before but she's declined. Instead of her firm being in trouble financially, which was my original intent, ever since Kate opened her own firm she hasn't won many cases. She's losing confidence and David knows that all she needs is one more failure and he's got her back...so he recommends the Simmons case to her.
