Sunday, February 27, 2011

Deeper Meaning

Scripts are written and movies are made for a number of reasons: entertainment is probably the most important/essential, but they are also written to educate, to inspire, to scare, to make the audience laugh, cry, think, and feel.

As much as I enjoy a good laugh and sitting on the edge of my seat, tense and rooting for the hero, I don't ever want to write a script that doesn't have a deeper purpose. The science fiction script I'm writing now isn't just about a young girl who has to live with her mother's memories in her head and must ultimately decide what to do with those memories. I want it also to be about something an audience can relate to. We watch movies, read books, write our own stories and we often feel like we're living different lives vicariously through those characters. But what we know in our minds and what we actually experience in our own lives are two different things. Wendy thinks she understands the world by remembering her mother's past life, but she really has no idea because she's never personally experienced those events. In Star Trek Episode Three, Dr. McCoy asks Spock what its like to die. Spock answers that he cannot have the conversation with the doctor because he has never died, and so he couldn't possibly know what its like based off of Spock's experience.

Then again, if something real comes from something fantastical, what of that? At the end of the script, in her mind, Wendy and Corryn have their first conversation. Corryn doesn't say much, but Wendy tells her that she forgives her. Wendy experiences closure in her mind, and even though the situation never really happened, Wendy is able to move on. In the Matrix, Morpheus claims, "The mind makes it real." I want readers to ask, is this true? Can our mind really make things real? Wendy's answer would be yes, while Jenn would say no. One thing is for sure. Scientists still don't know what the mind is completely capable of. I watched a video about quantum mechanics where the scientist said if we focus our mind on something strong enough, we can make it happen. This is only a theory, but perhaps one day, we will know just how powerful the mind can be.

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