This website deals with asking what if it's possible to connect two brains together and what would happen. It isn't exactly dealing with the experiment I'm using for my script, but it discusses NEUROPHYSICS. This is the type of science Dr. Berke in my script should know a lot about in order to be able to put together an experiment that sends information from one brain to another.
This website discusses how our memory works, how the brain keeps our memories separate, and how we are able to access our memories. One of my questions is, if Corryn wants to send information she has stored in her memory, is it possible to do this WITHOUT sending her personal memories as well? If our brain keeps these memories separate, would she be able to choose which memories to send? This message board talks about a neuron sends information to another neuron, but it goes through branches of neurons before it hits it's target neuron that is supposed to receive the information. It also says, "Wasn't there some research that came out not long ago (maybe a year or two max) that showed that we don't "read" memories, we recall them by the brain recreating thoughts, feelings, emotions, smells etc we had at the time--And so in this way isn't analogous to "reading" a hard drive like a computer does?" If this is true, then maybe Corryn HAS to send her personal memories, because the way in which she remembers information could be the same way Wendy can then access remembering how Corryn recalled information. Website goes into more depth on this idea on page 2...when we remember, we don't read the memories, we "do" them, meaning we relive them.
Something else I thought about today. She would have had to test this experiment many times before putting her daughter in the chair. I'm wondering how these past experiments have gone and what she learned. You can't ask a rat if it remembers personal experiences of another rat. You just transfer the information (a rat determines how to get from one part of the maze to another) to another rat that has never done the maze before (and this rat knows exactly how to get to the end of the maze in one shot).
The information that any scientist would be interested in, as far as a rat running a maze, is the observation. A rat that has been running the same maze, or mazes for an extended period of time, will be observed as how they handle the turns, if they happen to pause at the same point of the run, and ultimately how long it takes. Now if a second rat that has never been exposed to any of the mazes of the first rat is given an "elixir", wouldn't it be interested if the second rat not only ran the mazes in exactly the same times, but also paused at certain points of the mazes, as the first rat did. That would prove true information transferrance.