I really have to think of a better title because "Remember" is just horrible. But there are more pressing things to think about, so a brilliant title will just have to wait.
I'm super excited to have finally thought of a decent science fiction idea that's possible to write (all of my other ideas will probably take years to build the worlds and research). However, I'm well aware that my idea for this script will not be easy. Some of the thoughts in my head now that I'm debating with are...
1. How does the scientist, Corryn, choose who she is going to "send" the information in her brain to, and how does it eventually end up in Wendy's brain?
2. How old should Wendy be at the beginning of the script? When does she start seeing these images of what she believes to be her past life? Does it happen all at once (Phenomenon) or has she been able to remember since she was a young child?
3. Is there a love interest? If Wendy can remember everything about Corryn's past, does she also feel a strong connection to Corryn's lover?
4. Does Wendy die in the script? I was thinking that if an experiment like this took place and everything from one brain was transferred to another, would Wendy's brain be able to handle it? Wendy now has the brain power to continue with the experiment, and maybe she can make it better. If it's killing her, she doesn't have a lot of time to do this. What if she successfully accomplishes what Corryn did but with the same results...killing someone else. Is it moral if it's done in the name of science? Corryn was the scientist, so her answer probably would have been yes, but Wendy is not a scientist. Does she still have that obligation to continue? Will all of Corryn's hard work be in vain and without purpose if Wendy dies without doing anything to further the experiment?
These are all of the questions I'm in the process of answering. I like that this story asks a question that many people still ask today. How far is too far? With stem cell research, is it moral to conduct an experiment in the name of science. Should morality even be an issue? If we didn't cut open dead bodies when people thought it was morally wrong to do so, none of our medical advances would have been possible. But this story also shows the history of these two girls. One chose her path, and the other has to live with it inside her head, literally. Wendy did not choose to have everything in Corryn's brain transfered into her own, and she certainly did not choose to die so young, but she does have decisions to make, and she has to make them very quickly.